
  1. klerk

    Module Vina HTML5 Audio Player

    Vina HTML5 Audio Player Vina HTML5 Audio Player is an easy-to-use module for Joomla 3.x that enables you to create HTML5 Audio Player for your website. Vina HTML5 Audio Player works fine on iPhone, iPad, Android, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer 9+. In legacy web browsers...
  2. Lowrens

    Plugin HTML5 Audio Player

    HTML5 Audio Player Pro You can use this product as a fully featured html5 audio player or just to add background music to your website. You can customize this html5 audio player by changing the color for: player background, volume slider, timer, buffer, seekbar, song title, playlist...
  3. Lowrens

    Plugin Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO

    Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO A top-notch responsive HTML5 Audio Player compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices. Any color scheme possible, customizable from parameters, so you can integrate this audio player in any design. Demo...
  4. Lowrens

    Plugin Koplo - WooCommerce Product Audio Sample Player

    Koplo - WooCommerce Product Audio Sample Player The Koplo WooCommerce Product Audio Sampler plugin for WooCommerce is a music or audio player that enables your customers to preview digital music or audio files before they buy them. You simply upload a sample file in the backend and Koplo...
  5. Lowrens

    Plugin HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin

    HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin You can use this product as a fully featured html5 audio player (check Playlist version examples) or just to add background music to your website (check Minimal version examples) You can customize this html5 audio player by changing the color for: player...
  6. Checkme

    Soft Mobile bot (Android, BlackBerry, Nokia) [СМС ботнет]

    Уважаемые господа, рады Вам предложить бота под мобильные устройства. В данный момент бот реализован под операционную систему Android, так же рады вам сообщить, что разработка Blackberry ведется полным ходом, и первые бета версии будут в ближайший месяц, всем клиентам по Android боту на...
  7. ifelse

    SCRIPT MP3 Gallery Script

    MP3 Gallery Script MP3 Gallery Script is music streaming and downloading script similar to, etc. The Script allows the site owners can create different albums under different categories and upload MP3 files. Demo:
  8. ifelse

    Бизнес 1000$ в месяц на AudioJungle (Тигран Папазян)

    1000$ в месяц на AudioJungle Автор:Тигран Папазян - Почему AudioJungle. Почему фриланс. Почему сейчас. - Обзор элементов интерфейса сайта. - Регистрация нового аккаунта. - Оформление профиля. Встречают по одежке. - Загрузка треков. Как это происходит. Когда и сколько треков заливать. Как...