
  1. Lowrens

    Plugin [XF 2] Change date

    [XF 2] [Andy] Change date Allows changing the date and time of a post. The purpose of this add-on is the allow the admin to move a post within a thread. For example if you want to move post #3 to be after post #5. (Example of Change date link) Features: All phrases start with changedate_...
  2. Lowrens

    Plugin [XF 2][Andy] Conversation view - просмотр личных переписок

    [XF 2][Andy] Conversation view - просмотр личных переписок Conversation view - плагин который позволяет администратору просматривать личные сообщения пользователей форума XenForo 2 Автор: Andy Особенности: -Легко просматривать все разговоры. -Возможность фильтровать разговоры. -Возможность...
  3. Lowrens

    Plugin [XF 2][Andy] Most posts

    [XF 2][Andy] Most posts Installation: Download and unzip it. Copy the src / addons / Andy / MostPosts directory to your server. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on. Creating the widget: Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets Widget definition = Most...
  4. Lowrens

    Plugin [XF 2][Andy] Forum statistics

    [XF 2][Andy] Forum statistics Features: All phrases start with forumstatistics_ for your convenience. Installation: Download and unzip it. Copy the src/addons/Andy/ForumStatistics directory to your server. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on...
  5. Lowrens

    Plugin [XF 2][Andy] Similar threads

    [XF 2] Similar threads Description: The Similar threads add-on will do the following: Show a list of similar threads when a user is creating a new thread. Show a list of similar threads when a user is viewing a thread. [XF 2] Similar threads 1.4 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient...