drupal 7

  1. L

    HowTo Решения проблем Drupal 6 – 9

    Просьба в теме указывать версию ядра и модуль, который предположительно вызвал ошибку/нотис. D8/9: "Несоответствие определений сущности и/или поля" на стр. /admin/reports/status решение: ставим /devel_entity_updates и даём команду drush entity-updates или в коде пишем try {...
  2. Lowrens

    Template Comet - Creative Multi-Purpose Drupal 7 & 8 Theme

    Comet - Creative Multi-Purpose Drupal 7 & 8 Theme Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/comet-creative-multipurpose-drupal-7-8-theme/15111402 Comet - Creative Multi-Purpose Drupal 7 & 8 Theme*** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  3. klerk

    Template POSTWALL Drupal 7 Theme Quickstart

    POSTWALL Drupal 7 Theme Quickstart Demo: https://www.themesnap.com/premium-drupal-themes/postwall.html *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  4. klerk

    Template PARIS - Responsive OnePage Drupal 7 Theme

    ThemeForest - PARIS v1.3.3 - Responsive OnePage Drupal 7 Theme Paris is a Stylish and Modern OnePage Theme with a Responsive Layout. It is Ideal for corporate business, creatives, designers, artists, photographers, portfolio etc. Paris comes unlimited layouts options, with 10 Prepared styles...