
  1. Lowrens

    Plugin Data Source - charts, tables, maps and data grids

    Data Source - charts, tables, maps and data grids DataSource is a WordPress plugin focused on providing visual presentations of your data within pages of your website. DataSource allows you to present data from CSV files, XML, Excel files, Google Spreadsheets, MySQL database or WordPress...
  2. klerk

    Plugin Responsive Styled Google Maps – WordPress Plugin

    Responsive Styled Google Maps – WordPress Plugin Responsive Styled Google Maps – стильные Google карты на Wordpress Responsive Styled Google Maps v4.1 to create easy, simple, responsive and styled maps! Please check the live demo to see map examples and map styles. The plugin allows...
  3. klerk

    SCRIPT Interactive Maps Generator

    Interactive Maps Generator This is a standalone application where you can generate as many maps as you want and copy the embed code and place the maps in any of your websites! No need to upload any extra files to your website, just embed the code!! Compatible with Joomla and other CMS’s that...