php decode

  1. Lowrens

    RELEASE Ioncube Decoder v8.3 IonCube + PHP Script Auto-Fixer

    IonCube v8.3 Decoder Supported: IonCube 9.0, IonCube 7.x, IonCube 6.x - PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3 . Functions: Syntax Auto-Fixer: Decode all files Sub-Folders: Automatic RAR all Files Sub-Folders Decoded: Loaders patched: IC9-Ioncube_loader_win_5.3.dll PHP 5.3 IC8-Ioncube_loader_win_5.3.dll PHP 5.3...
  2. Lowrens

    Service Decoding and deobfuscation PHP

    In this topic you can ask for help to decode your php scripts encoded by Zend, Ioncube and oth. encoders. If you want to quickly encode your scripts - you can make an order for decoding here (It's not free) ======================================================= В данной теме вы можете...