
  1. Lowrens

    Plugin Data Source - charts, tables, maps and data grids

    Data Source - charts, tables, maps and data grids DataSource is a WordPress plugin focused on providing visual presentations of your data within pages of your website. DataSource allows you to present data from CSV files, XML, Excel files, Google Spreadsheets, MySQL database or WordPress...
  2. klerk

    Component ARI Data Tables

    ARI Data Tables - Вывод таблиц ARI Data Tables module converts HTML tables into powerful and functional tables with possibilities to sort, filter and paging data. It can also create different charts based on data from tables. The extension can load data from SQL databases and CSV files...
  3. Lowrens

    Plugin wpPricing Builder - WordPress Responsive Pricing Tables

    wpPricing Builder - WordPress Responsive Pricing Tables wpPricing Builder – is WordPress plugin, which allows you to easily create responsive pricing or compare tables. Demo: wpPricing Builder...