
  1. klerk

    Component Product Import for VirtueMart

    Product Import for VirtueMart XML Import is a Joomla 2.5.x/3.x component. It allows you to import data from an XML or CSV file to VirtueMart. This is a component for importing VirtueMart products from XML feeds. The XML elements from the feed are simply mapped to existing VirtueMart fields...
  2. klerk

    Module Ol Wall for Virtuemart

    Wall for Virtuemart Responsive Joomla Module - wall display of shop products. Virtuemart settings Display (Featured Products, Discontinued Products, Latest Products, Random Products, Best Sales, Recently Viewed ) Number of displayed products Products per row Show Product Price? ( Yes / No )...
  3. Tereno

    Plugin MercadoPago Plugin for VirtueMart

    MercadoPago v2.2.0 payment plugin for VirtueMart *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  4. klerk

    Component Joomla Virtuemart Multi Vendor Marketplace

    Joomla Virtuemart Multi Vendor Marketplace Joomla Virtuemart Multi Vendor Marketplace 5.2 This remarkable add-on enables the user to convert Joomla Virtuemart store into Multi-vendor/seller marketplace with the concept of single store front. This multi-functional shopping cart solution will...
  5. klerk

    Component Order Upload Images For Virtuemart

    Order Upload Images For Virtuemart Want your shoppers be able to upload files and images, just purchase our VM Order Upload Images Plug-in for the best price and support. Upload Images and Files with your order in Virtuemart – VMUpload is a versatile plugin to the core application...
  6. klerk

    Component BIT Conditional Shopper Fields for Virtuemart

    BIT Conditional Shopper Fields for Virtuemart This plugin provides the possibility to show/hide fields in Virtuemart's registration form depending on the values of other fields. This can be a useful feature if you would like to present your shoppers a concise form where only those fields are...
  7. klerk

    Component Virtuemart 3 product wishlist

    Компонент и плагин списка избранных товаров (wishlist) от Webkul для Joomla 3.x and VirtueMart 3.x Joomla Virtuemart Product Wishlist: - With the help of this sterling extension for Virtuemart, user can add those products to the WISHLIST, which he wants to buy now or later. User can save...
  8. klerk

    Plugin VP Conversion Tracking

    VP Conversion Tracking Order conversion tracking and thank you page plugin for VirtueMart. One plugin that helps you to track conversations of your Ads from all advertising platforms like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, Shopper Approved Customer Survey, Bing Ads etc. Integrate Google Ecommerce...
  9. klerk

    Plugin Скидка от суммы заказа для Virtuemart3

    Быстрое начисление скидки в зависимости от суммы заказа для Virtuemart 3 скидка от суммы заказа для Virtuemart 3 Плагин, применения которого - назначение мгновенной скидки с учетом суммы уже положенных товаров. Расширение очень пригодится, если Вы хотите сделать зависимость процента скидки от...
  10. klerk

    Plugin Яндeкc.дeньги для Virtuemart 2.x, З.x c вoзвpaтoм cтaтуca (YandexApi Payment)

    Плaгин Яндeкc.дeньги для Virtuemart 2.x, З.x c вoзвpaтoм cтaтуca (YandexApi Payment) Плaгин oплaты paбoтaeт чepeз api яндeкc дeньги. Oплaтa пpиxoдит нa личный кoшeлёк для кoтopoгo нe oбязaтeльнo пpoxoдить пpoцeдуpу пoдтвepждeния личнocти. Для eгo paбoты нeoxoдимa peгиcтpaция пpилoжeния и этoт...
  11. klerk

    Plugin Boxberry – почтовый плагин доставки для virtuemart

    Boxberry – почтовый плагин доставки для virtuemart Boxberrу - этo opгaнизaция дocтaвки зaкaзoв для интepнeт-мaгaзинoв, a тaкжe пocылoк и дeлoвoй кoppecпoндeнции для физичecкиx и юpидичecкиx лиц. Oтcлeживaниe oтпpaвлeний. Pacчeт cтoимocти уcлуг. Плaгин дocтaвки Boxberrу paзpaбoтaн для Virtuemart...
  12. klerk

    Plugin Dependent Custom Fields For All

    Dependent Custom Fields For All Зависимые настраиваемые поля, которые загружаются последовательно, исходя из выбора пользователя (новое расширение, пока на стадии бета теста). Демо - Dependent Custom Fields For All...
  13. klerk

    Plugin Sberbank - эквайринг для сбербанка (Virtumart)

    Эквaйpинг Cбepбaнкa для Virtuemart Плaтeжный плaгин для Virtuemart 2 и Virtuemart З, кoтopый пoзвoлит вaм пpинимaть oплaту c кapт чepeз интepнeт эквaйpинг Cбepбaнкa. B cпocoбax oплaты дoбaвитьcя нoвый cпocoб "Oплaтa Cбepбaнкoм" Demo...
  14. klerk

    Component Products Anywhere for VirtueMart

    Products Anywhere for VirtueMart Plugin to display products in articles. This may be the Joomla articles, K2 posts or in posts of other components. This VirtueMart 2 plugin allows you to display products in articles. This may be the Joomla articles, K2 articles or in posts of other...
  15. klerk

    Module VM Mass Update

    VM Mass Update VM Mass Update is an advanced, instant product management solution for VirtueMart, focused on mass editing and handling operations. Manage hundreds, thousands of products, quickly and effectively, using an intuitive, responsive, grid-based, Excel-like interface. Demo...
  16. klerk

    Plugin Virtuemart Product Wall

    Virtuemart Product Wall Entice your customers by showcasing products in a myriad ways using pre-made templates or apply your own custom HTML and CSS. The perfect companion for Virtuemart, Virtuemart Product Wall takes your online store to a whole new level! Entice your customers by...
  17. ademin1982

    Plugin SJ QuickView for VirtueMart

    SJ QuickView for VirtueMart SJ Quickview for Virtuemart - An advanced plugin to approach your products With SJ Quickview for VM, there is no need to turn to the product's details page, you can view them right on product page with a popup window. This feature participates to reduce the low...
  18. klerk

    Module Vina Treeview for VirtueMart

    Vina Treeview for VirtueMart Vina Treeview for VirtueMart is a great module for Joomla 3.x and VirtueMart 3.x component. It's allows display VirtueMart categories in a tree view, like a file explorer. It helps readers to reach the root categories and also subcategories they want to view...
  19. klerk

    Plugin VM Clean Registration

    VM Clean Registration 1.0 Упрощение регистрации в виртуемарт. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  20. klerk

    Plugin VmMask

    VmMask 1.2 Плагин добавления маски для номера телефона в корзине virtuemart. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***