Plugin WP-Manga (Xhanch)


Team member
VIP Hard
Feb 19, 2016
Reaction score
WP-Manga (Xhanch) 1.3.4 Nulled by darknesscoder
We offer our WP Manga as the solution. WP Manga is a commercial manga WordPress plugin developed by Xhanch Studio. The best part of it is to let you have a fully automated manga website (with our crawler engine), so that you don’t have to add manga and contents manually. Though, you still can add manga and chapters manually. WP Manga is completed with a user friendly and powerful managers to manage your contents. Since it is a WordPress plugin, you can easily set it up just in several steps. You will also be able to choose thousands of free themes available or you can use your own theme and you can use other plugins to enhance your website in the easiest way. For example: you can use WP Super Cache to speed the load of your website, ads manager and so on.

Live Demo:

With this solution, you can easily own a manga website with thousands of manga/manhwa/comics/komik series and photos/pictures/images albums gallery
