Plugin [XF 2][AddonFlare] Paid Registrations


Staff member
VIP Hard
Nov 25, 2015
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[XF2][AddonFlare] Paid Registrations


How many paid subscriptions are you losing each month because your users don't know the benefits of purchasing a user upgrade? Do they even know they can upgrade?

Would it hurt to make more $$$ each month?

Introducing Paid Registrations, an absolute must-have for forums that offer paid subscriptions.

Once installed, the registration flow will go from:
  1. User visits registration page
  2. User fills registration form and submits
  3. Registration is complete
  1. User visits registration page
  2. Account types are presented in an elegant way and user chooses one (screenshot)
    • If a paid user upgrade is selected
      • User is redirected to payment page
      • After payment is complete, user is redirected to registration form
    • If no upgrade is selected, user is redirected to registration form
  3. Registration is complete

This version is available for free, the full / paid version is available for purchase at
To celebrate the launch, use promo code "PaidRegistrationsLaunch" and get 20% off your entire order (valid for 3 days only, expires Feb 2nd midnight)

Free vs. Full/Paid Version

Supported Payment Providers
Free: Only PayPal
Paid : PayPal, Stripe + more (as requested)

Can force paid registrations?
Free: No
Paid: Yes

Can enable elegant display for registered users?
Free: No
Paid: Yes

Display theme options
Free: Only 1
Paid: Default + more in updates

Free: Basic Support
Paid: Priority Support

You have full control over which user upgrades are presented, display order, color, amount per row, etc...

It integrates with the payment profiles you already have, so setup is a breeze.

See it (click "register")

Feedback / reviews / ratings are always appreciated!



[XF2][AddonFlare] Paid Registrations 1.2
[XF 2][AddonFlare] Paid Registrations 1.4 FULL - платная регистрация XenForo
[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations 1.4.5