- Joined
- Nov 25, 2015
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Give - Recurring Donations
Accepting recurring donations has never been easier or more powerful. This Give Add-on allows you to create even more powerful donation forms with support for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual subscriptions. You can also customize the number of times you would like to run the subscription, for example “Give $20 a Month for a Year”, or give the donor the choice whether or not make their donation recurring or one-time
Give - Recurring Donations v1.5.7
Accepting recurring donations has never been easier or more powerful. This Give Add-on allows you to create even more powerful donation forms with support for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual subscriptions. You can also customize the number of times you would like to run the subscription, for example “Give $20 a Month for a Year”, or give the donor the choice whether or not make their donation recurring or one-time
Give - Recurring Donations v1.5.7