Component Jomres Pro - Online Booking


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VIP Hard
Feb 19, 2016
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Jomres - The Complete Online Booking and Property Management Solution


Jomres is the first and most complete online booking toolkit for Joomla.

The Core system is free, if you want a simple booking or reservation system for your hotel or villa website then the free core system is all you need to get up and running. If you decide you want to add functionality later on then you can upgrade your Jomres membership which allows you to install any of the 160+ plugins available through the easy to use Jomres Plugin Manager. We also support third party developers, who offer 80+ plugins of their own.


There's no need to buy a plugin for managing multiple properties, as the multi-vendor functionality is built right into the free Core of Jomres.

Works on both Joomla and Wordpress, so if you want to switch from one system to another you can do so easily as the basic structure is exactly the same.


Jomres - один из самых мощных на сегодняшний день компонентов для создания сайта онлайн бронирования и резервирования отелей и гостиниц. Поддержка неограниченного кол-ва вкладок, дополнительных опций, поддержка вставки кода карт Google, комментирование, слайдшоу, контакты, превью и многое другое.

Jomres PRO 9.9.16