Plugin Web 2.0 Directory - плагин доски объявлений для WordPress


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Nov 25, 2015
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Web 2.0 Directory - плагин доски объявлений для WordPress


Web 2.0 Directory plugin provides an ability to build any kind of business directory site: classifieds, events directory, cars, bikes, boats and other vehicles dealers site, pets, real estate portal, wedding site, yellow pages. In other words – whatever you want.

Web 2.0 Directory — плагин для WordPress 3.6-4.7.x., который поможет создать сайт объявлений, продажа недвижимости, желтые страницы, каталог городов и компаний.


Web 2.0 Directory v1.14.2
Web 2.0 Directory v2.0.2
= Version 2.0.2 =
* CSS styles fix

= Version 2.0.1 =
* improvement: settings framework styles files path was refactored
* bug fix: inactive comments and contact form tabs on listings

= Version 2.0.0 =
* full redesign and lots of new options

= Version 1.14.15 =
* bug fix: problem with 3 characters of unexpected output during activation
* bug fix: problem with & special characters in categories CSV import
* bug fix: set up default directory ID for all old listings

= Version 1.14.14 =
* improvement: latest version of Stripe library
* bug fix: select icon option for locations terms
* bug fix: undefined offset: 1 in w2dc.php on line 616 error

= Version 1.14.13 =
* bug fix: call to a member function getDefaultDirectory() on a non-object error

= Version 1.14.12 =
* bug fix: undefined method w2dc_item_listing::getItemEditURL() error in invoice.php

= Version 1.14.11 =
* new feature: directory=DIRECTORY_ID parameter for [webdirectory-listing-page] shortcode to build custom single listing pages for each directory
* new feature: directory=DIRECTORY_ID parameter for [webdirectory-submit] shortcode to build custom submission pages for each directory
* new setting: 2 modes for images listings logos on excerpt pages - cut image to fit width and height listing logo or full image listing logo
* new setting: customize opacity of search form background, in %
* new setting: switch on/off overlay on search form
* improvement: [link] placeholder in pre-expiration email notification to show a link to renew listing
* improvement: remove all wpautop filters from page formatting
* deprecated: submission steps circles

= Version 1.14.10 =
* new setting: notification about new invoice (built-in payments system)
* improvement: auto-login when user creates an account during listing submission
* improvement: adapted for new version of Google Maps API 3.29
* deprecated: social icons widget

= Version 1.14.9 =
* new feature: compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin
* improvement: active period property of listings levels was changed, now only one type of period can be selected (days, weeks, months, years). It was changed for compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions.
* improvement: added post status filter at the backend dashboard in Directory Listings table
* improvement: improvements in microdata markup
* new setting: show/hide listings views counter at the frontend
* bug fix: issue in the display of [webdirectory-breadcrumbs] and [webdirectory-term-description] shortcodes

= Version 1.14.8 =
* improvement: upgrade expired listing and activate it in the same time, users pay only for upgrade
* bug fix: double active period of listings when pay through WooCommerce payments system
* bug fix: problems with -custom.tpl.php templates
* bug fix: order listings by distance by default during search by radius

= Version 1.14.7 =
* improvement: now administrators and editors users roles can change any listings levels, even if upgrade was disabled in the settings
* new setting: prevent users to see media items of another users
* new setting: hide empty categories in search dropdown and categories menus
* new setting: hide empty locations in search dropdown and locations menus
* bug fix: automatically renew listings when user has available listings from WooCommerce package

= Version 1.14.6 =
* new feature: notification about new version of the plugin
* improvement: directory parameter for [webdirectory-levels-table] shortcode
* improvement: hide unnecessary sorting buttons in [webdirectory-listings] shortcode
* bug fix: errors on WooCommerce My Account page
* bug fix: errors on vc_before_init hook with Visual Composer

= Version 1.14.5 =
* new setting: overwrite WordPress page title by directory page title
* improvement: better support of multi-directory
* improvement: now http:// is not required to fill in for website content fields
* improvement: users can change their ratings given to listings anytime
* bug fix: listings packages WooCommerce product creation bug
* bug fix: taxes calculation in built-in payments system

= Version 1.14.4 =
* bug fix: pre expiration notification emails were sending every hour
* bug fix: empty email notifications settings fields after installation

= Version 1.14.3 =
* improvement: better support of multi-directory
* improvement: sidebar widgets follow selected listings directory or use auto definition
* improvement: ability to define specific locations for listings levels
* improvement: hide unnecessary sorting buttons at the frontend
* bug fix: WooCommerce listings products now virtual and downloadable, so shipping fields will not show on checkout and orders will be auto-completed
* bug fix: wrong number of listings in random sorting
Web 2.0 Directory plugin for WordPress v2.0.9
Web 2.0 Directory plugin for WordPress v2.0.16