Template Warehouse - Responsive Prestashop Theme + Blog [1.6-1.7]


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VIP Simple
Apr 25, 2016
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Warehouse - Responsive Prestashop Theme + Blog



upd: 3.8.2 от 30.08.2016 (пофиксили модуль тегов и модуль революшнслайдер)

Warehouse PrestaShop 1.6 Warehouse PrestaShop 1.7
Warehouse (07.10.2017)
PS 1.6 - v3.8.5
PS 1.7 - v4.1.2

Warehouse (18.11.2017)
PS 1.6 - v3.8.6
PS 1.7 - v4.1.4

[PS 1.7] 4.1.4 - 18 November 2018
+ new: HOT - infinity scroll option for product lists
+ new: show product brand name on product lists option
+ new: preloader icon for lazyload images
+ new: child template sample package added to package
+ new: iqitelementor: show product by brand option
+ new: iqitsizechart - show avaiable sizes on product list
+ new: iqitcrosseling module added, it replace default ps_crosseling module and allows to show crosselings in add to cart confirmation modal
+ new: mobile browser(Chrome, Firefox, Safari) address/header bar color option - example
+ new: improved order confirmation page
+ new: possible to replace breadcrumb background with category image

- fix: category description position selector in theme editor
- fix: alt tag for elementor images widgets
- fix: back to top button disable/enable in themeeditor issue
- fix: not clickable arrow on selectbox
- fix: instagram photo padding problem when there was height limit set
- fix: gift textarea collapse after returing back again to shipping tab
- fix: small issue in mobile footer toggler
- fix: returning back to default ps wyswig editor instead of elementor in blog and cms pages
- fix: progressbar widget in elementor
- fix: better look of video popup on product page / stop video on modal close
- fix: show texture attributes same way as color attributes in facated search
- fix: also show old price in iqitmegamenu
- fix: improved cache in some modules
- fix: problem with opening mobile menu after add to cart
- fix: partial overlaping of close button by address bar when zoom modal is open and scrolled
- fix: filter box overflow on iphone if set to be above product list
- fix: remove need for double click on color switcher on product page

[PS 1.6] 3.8.6 - 18 November 2018
+ added: layered navigation as button above product list in mobile devices

- fix: addThis module fixed
- fix: add alt to iqitmegamenu module and to iqitcontencreator
- fix: some improvmant in mobile sticky header when search is expanded
- fix: price rounding in rich snippets
PS 1.7 - v4.1.5
[PS 1.7] 4.1.5 - 20 December 2017
+ new: HOT - social login plugin - allow customer login to your shop with Google, Facebook and Twitter
+ new: paddings per device for elementor banenr widget
+ new: quick view next/prev product buttons on product lists
+ new: iqitdashboardnews module added - show notification about theme upgrades dashboard
+ new: cart in sticky menu
+ new: possible to show iqitadditionaltabs module as accordion below "add to cart" on product page
+ new: infinite loop product carusels in elementor option
+ new: link rel canoninal, next, prev added for better seo
+ new: social links now open in new window

- fix: show related post tab only when they exist for product
- fix: themes\warehouse\assets\css\error.css added back to template, it was missing in maintance page
- fix: iqitextendedproduct problem with product active/deactive
- fix: visible shoppingcart and add cart button in catalog mode or when price disabled for custoemr group
- fix: conflict with express checkout button of paypal on product page
- fix: addthis becomes invisible when combination is change
- fix: themeeditor, page builder and megamenu file uploader now retuns relative path to images
- fix: forgot password page mobile design issue
- fix: iqitmegamenu producte search issue in backoffice caused by latest chrome upgrade
- fix: some small IE11 design issues

# Additional info:
- added: 2 more styles
PS 1.6 - v3.8.6
Warehouse 4.1.6 to 4.1.7
Warehouse 4.1.7 PS 1.7
Warehouse 3.8.6 PS 1.6
Warehouse 4.1.7
4.1.7 to 4.1.8
Warehouse 4.1.8 to 4.1.9