
  1. klerk

    Plugin WooSwatches - Woocommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches

    WooSwatches - Woocommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches Convert your normal variable attribute dropdown select to nicely looking color or image select. You can display images or color in all common size. Display them in round or square mode. Demo...
  2. klerk

    Plugin Shipping Details Plugin for WooCommerce

    Shipping Details Plugin for WooCommerce Shipping Details Plugin is a Wordpress Plugin which allows the WooCommerce Plugin Users to enter Shipment Tracking Number and Display them on Track you Order and View Order Pages and also send them via Email when Order is marked Complete. Demo...
  3. Lowrens

    Plugin Display Product - настраиваемый вывод товаров для WooCommerce

    Display Product - настраиваемый вывод товаров для WooCommerce Display Product – Multi-Layout for WooCommerce – Wordpress плагин для отображения ваших WooCommerce товаров в разных видах. Плагин может отобразить ваш контент в виде: Сетки, списка, таблиц, отдельных боксов, всплывающих окон...
  4. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Frontend Shop Manager

    WooCommerce Frontend Shop Manager The ultimate tool for managing WooCommerce shops, right at the frontend, featuring live product editing! It has never been this easy to manage a professional online store! WooCommerce Frontend Shop Manager integrates itself all over your shops frontend and...
  5. Lowrens

    Plugin Email Customizer for WooCommerce

    Email Customizer for WooCommerce Email Customizer enables full customization of your WooCommerce emails. Customize colors, header & footer format, add custom links, link to your social networks, and customize what the email says – with [shortcodes] – all using the familiar WordPress...
  6. klerk

    Plugin Compare Products with WooCommerce

    Compare Products with WooCommerce Add additional features to your products and compare them against other items side by side in a clean, organized table using the plugin Compare Products for WooCommerce. With an easy to use drag and drop interface, add, modify, or delete a category or product...
  7. klerk

    Plugin Woocommerce Group Pricing - скидки для Woocommerce

    Woocommerce Group Pricing v3.3.1 - скидки для Woocommerce Shows different prices according to the users group. Special discounts for commercials, wholesales, Premium Плагин предоставляет возможность указывать разные цены для разных групп зарегистрированных покупателей. Разумеется такие...
  8. klerk

    Plugin WooCommerce Sales Countdown - отсчет времени до конца акции для WooCommerce

    WooCommerce Sales Countdown v2.2.1 - отсчет времени до конца акции для WooCommerce WooCommerce Sales Countdown это фантастический плагин для проведения ваших рекламных кампаний в WooCommerce. Он выводит блок с акционным товаром и показывает посетителям сколько времени у них осталось на...
  9. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce PDF Vouchers - WordPress Plugin

    WooCommerce PDF Vouchers v3.0.5 - WordPress Plugin WooCommerce PDF Vouchers allows you to sell voucher codes that can then be redeemed at a physical location. This is perfect for stores that wish to sell tickets to events, discount codes for on-site pickup, class admission tickets and more...
  10. Lowrens

    Plugin Multistep Product Configurator for WooCommerce

    Multistep Product Configurator for WooCommerce v1.1.0 Swap the select boxes of a variable product for a wonderful multistep form. You can choose between 4 different modules: Steps, Accordion, Tabs, Vertical Steps. The content for it will be generated from the variations of your variable...
  11. Lowrens

    Plugin Super Forms WooCommerce Checkout Add-on

    Super Forms WooCommerce Checkout Add-on Build for Super Forms with flexibility in mind. Meaning you have full control over how the user is being redirected to the cart or checkout. You will be able to add products to the cart based on user selected data/values. You can even use dynamic...
  12. Lowrens

    Template Unicase - великолепный шаблон для WooCommerce

    Unicase v1.4.2 - великолепный шаблон для WooCommerce Unicase - чистый, дружелюбный, адаптивный шаблон для Wordpress под WooCommerce проекты Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/unicase-electronics-store-woocommerce-theme/13626672 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the...
  13. Lowrens

    Plugin Aliexpress Dropship for Woocommerce

    Aliexpress Dropship for Woocommerce v1.0 This plugin allows you to easily import dropshipped (or affiliated) products directly into your woocommerce store and ship them directly to your customers – in only a few clicks. Awesome Free chrome extension is available to import products while...
  14. Lowrens

    Template Home Shop — премиум WooCommerce WordPress шаблон

    Home Shop v1.4.3 — премиум WooCommerce WordPress шаблон Home Shop — подойдет для любой тематики интернет-магазина. Тема имеет приятные и красивые цвета, легкий отзывчивый дизайн, понятную структуру. Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/home-shop-woocommerce-theme/9513996 *** Hidden text: You...
  15. Lowrens

    Plugin Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce

    Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce v4.0 The WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping plugin has the ability to add multiple rates for a given customer based on a variety of conditions set by admin. These can include shipping destination, cart subtotal, item shipping class, price, weight, and so much...
  16. Lowrens

    Template Bazar Shop — Woocomerce шаблон для WordPress

    Bazar Shop 3.1.0 — Woocomerce шаблон для WordPress Bazar Shop — представляет собой свежий и творческий шаблон, который использует мощный WooCommerce плагин для создания очень универсального WordPress магазина, с неограниченными вариациями компоновки и много невероятных возможностей. Demo...
  17. Lowrens

    Template Mindig — многоцелевой WooCommerce WordPress шаблон

    Mindig — многоцелевой WooCommerce WordPress шаблон Представляем вам топовый шаблон Mindig от автора таких популярных шаблонов как Bazar Shop, Cheope Shop, MayaShop, Sommerce Shop и другие. Хорошо когда сайт грузится быстро, правда? А если это интернет магазин на WP, то это вообще...
  18. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Product Filter - фильтры товаров для WooCommerce

    WooCommerce Product Filter v6.1.1 - фильтры товаров для WooCommerce WooCommerce Product Filter – Является удобным Wordpress плагином для вашего магазина на WooCommerce, который позволит устанавливать новые фильтры к вашим товарам, для более удобного и быстрого поиска. Ваши клиенты останутся...
  19. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Extra Product Options

    WooCommerce Extra Product Options Extra Product Options allows you to create extra price fields on your WooCommerce products. The current version supports checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes, textareas, input boxes, upload, date, range picker and color picker. Demo...
  20. Lowrens

    PACK Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce

    Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce v3.0.0 Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce! The ultimate warranties and returns management system for WooCommerce packed into this great and easy to use plugin! Best value on the market! Assign single or multiple warranties to your products, create...