SCRIPT Active Collab (corporate) - управление проектами

How to update with PHAR file? I tried many times with phar extract -f activecollab-5.13.118.phar but say wrong command.

and I found after upgrade, the system can not login again. Should I null the upgrade package firstly?

Hello, Can you change this to zip file?
ActiveCollab PHAR updates [5.5.2-5.14.64]
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Probably not. You need upgrade the phar on not nulled product.
Probably not. You need upgrade the phar on not nulled product.
So the nulled version can not upgrade with PHAR file?

I think I have to null the update package firstly ( Change the code in

After null this file, then I can update the system, if not, the system will be unlicensed again.
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How I can disable update function? I don't want to everyday get the popup update information and also remove new update available.
maybe see in /tasks/cron_jobs folder and remove not needed tasks
Do you mean these code is for checking update?

   * @package ActiveCollab.tasks
  if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {
    die("Error: CLI only\n");
  if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\') {
    define('PUBLIC_PATH', str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/public'));
  } else {
    define('PUBLIC_PATH', dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/public');
  // Load configuration and initialize framework
  require_once dirname(PUBLIC_PATH) . '/config/config.php';
  require_once ANGIE_PATH . '/init.php';;
I found the file for automatic update:
\activecollab\your vision\angie\src\Angie\Autoupgrade.php

Remove or change some code inside this file, then it will not check update everyday.
Open file \activecollab\5.13.133\frontend\javascript\
Fine this file: application.en_US.UTF-8.js
Delete this code:
<li><a ng-href="system-settings/updates" class="small button update_button" ng-class="{ update_available : application.isUpdateAvailable() }">{{ application.isUpdateAvailable() ? \'New Update Available\' : \'Update History\' }}</a></li>\n
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