Plugin Steam Authentication & Integration


Staff member
VIP Hard
Nov 25, 2015
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Steam Authentication & Integration

Steam Authentication Version >= 1.6 is compatible with Xenforo 1.5!

Steam Authentication Version 1.4 and 1.5 is compatible with Xenforo 1.3.x and 1.4.x! (No longer supported once XenForo 1.5 is released)

Authenticate to your XenForo forum with Steam! Steam Authentication & Integration allows new and existing users to establish accounts via their Steam accounts using the Steam Web API. There are additional features such as: Steam statistics for your users; Generate notices for users based on steam data (ex. notices for people who own a specific game); Create trophies based on steam data (ex. trophy for associating a steam account to your xenforo account). Best of all, there are no template edits required!

This addon is a continuation of the addon created by Morgan. If you have this version installed already, you can upgrade to this addon without the need to re-install. Just follow the upgrade steps below.

Table Of Contents
  1. Features
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation Steps
  4. Upgrade Steps
  5. Configuration
  6. Roadmap
  7. Troubleshooting
  8. Known Issues / Fixes
  9. Additional Information
1) Features
  • Single Sign On / Authentication via Steam
  • Statistics
  • Notices
  • SteamProfile
  • Power by the Steam Web API
  • No Template Hooks or Editing Required
2) Requirements

Minimum Requirements
  • BCMath
  • allow_url_fopen = 1 (On by default in PHP)
Recommended Requirements
  • BCMath
  • cURL
3) Installation Steps
  1. Configure Prerequisites (if necessary)
  2. Upload files in the upload directory to your forum
  3. Install using the provided "addon-Steam.xml"
  4. Change options for "Steam Integration" as necessary
4) Upgrade Steps

If your current version is < 1.50
  1. Delete root/js/steam directory (optional)
  2. Upload the upload directory to your forum (overwrite any files)
  3. Upgrade the addon using the provided "addon-Steam.xml" file
5) Configuration

Steam Authentication & Integration can be configured in Home > Options > Steam Integration under the Admin Control Panel.


Make sure that you have a STEAM API KEY entered into the configuration options. This addon will NOT function properly without a valid API key.


If you choose to display the steam statistics navbar tab, make sure to also give allow permissions to the appropriate user groups or users. Otherwise, they will not be able to view statistics. Permissions can be changed under the Users section in the ACP.

The same goes for steam profile banners. Permissions need to be configured to display them to users/groups.

6) Roadmap
  • Setup caching methods for SteamProfile
  • Do away with template hooks
  • More translations for SteamProfile (need community help on this)
7) Troubleshooting

Please do not ask me (HowIChrgeLazer) directly for help via a Conversation. Unless you have sensitive information to share (which you shouldn't share with me anyways) then don't make a conversation and instead post in the ! It also provides public documentation for others in case they have similar issues.

Steps to take BEFORE asking for help:
  • If you are using files from the develop branch on GitHub
I use GitHub as a way to track my progress and save my edits as I develop the addon. There will be some occasions where commits to develop branch will break features of the addon, or break it entirely. If you use files from that branch, you do so at YOUR OWN RISK. I will accept bug reports, but I will not support the develop branch of the addon.
  • Read your log files
Don't know where they are or what they mean? Well then this is a good time to research. You should be familiar with your forums environment before installing an addon (and if you are not, you should become familiar or consider contracting the work).
  • Read the entire description & readme file
They contain instructions and hints which you may have missed or need to do before you can continue.
  • Read the
It is possible that someone else probably already has experience the same exact issue. Go hunt through the thread to see if that is the case.
  • If none of the above solved your problem, ask your question in the resource discussion
I'll answer any questions there, and if you start a conversation asking for help with your installation, I'll only tell you to post in the discussion thread. I will try to respond in the discussion, I promise.

8) Known Issues / Fixes

Problems displaying user activity in Firefox

Firefox will not correctly report last seen on any page that has the SteamProfile javascript.

9) Additional Information

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Steam Authentication & Integration License

Steam Authentication for XenForo

Original Code Written by Morgan Humes <[email protected]>
Copyright 2012 Morgan Humes

Code Forked and Updated by Michael Linback Jr. <[email protected]>
Copyright 2014 Michael Linback Jr.

JSON steam profile badge idea by Luke Foreman

Steam Authentication for XenForo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Steam Authentication for XenForo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SteamProfile. If not, see < .
Source Code

Steam Authentication for XenForo is open source! Visit our at github to fork, submit code, or even discuss the code.

Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3