
  1. klerk

    Component Login as User Pro

    Login as User Pro This plugin helps admin users to login to the front-end as a specific user. It is useful for websites where the admin user needs to check if a user can see their order(s) correctly, if a form was filled out correctly, or any issues with a user's personal details, etc. The...
  2. klerk

    Component My Testimonials for Joomla

    My Testimonials for Joomla My Testimonials is Joomla extension that allows you to get clients testimonials and display them the way you want. It's fully integrated with Google Rich Snippet. INFO DEMO JED My Testimonials for Joomla v1.1.7 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to...
  3. klerk

    Module Shoutcast Radio Player Pro

    Shoutcast Radio Player Pro Radio Player for Joomla 1.7, 2.5 and 3.0 allows you to add a Shoutcast & Icecast radio player to your Joomla website - Let your visitors listen to your radio station! INFO DEMO JED Shoutcast Radio Player Pro v2.7*** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights...
  4. klerk

    Plugin NS FontAwesome Pro

    NS FontAwesome Pro NS Font Awesome Pro provides an easy way to insert scaleable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS. INFO DEMO JED ns fontawesome pro v2.3.7 *** Hidden text: You do not have...
  5. klerk

    Plugin K2 to Content Articles for Joomla (foobla)

    K2 to Content Articles for Joomla (foobla) Import K2 to Joomla Content Articles in 1 click, this plugin is used to import K2 back to Joomla content articles. K2 to Content Joomla extension is to import K2 categories & K2 items into Content Articles categories and Content Articles items by...
  6. klerk

    Plugin Cart AutoSave for VirtueMart З

    Cart AutoSave for VirtueMart З We rewrite the popular aWeb Cart AutoSave plugin for joomla3, and vm3. It has the base functionality - save the cart automatically when your customer logout, or not finish the ckeckout - if Your customer come back and login, the plugin load back the saved cart...
  7. klerk

    Plugin Boxberry – почтовый плагин доставки для virtuemart

    Boxberry – почтовый плагин доставки для virtuemart Boxberrу - этo opгaнизaция дocтaвки зaкaзoв для интepнeт-мaгaзинoв, a тaкжe пocылoк и дeлoвoй кoppecпoндeнции для физичecкиx и юpидичecкиx лиц. Oтcлeживaниe oтпpaвлeний. Pacчeт cтoимocти уcлуг. Плaгин дocтaвки Boxberrу paзpaбoтaн для Virtuemart...
  8. klerk

    Component JTicketing

    JTicketing Paid Events & Ticketing for EasySocial, JomSocial Events & JEvents. Add some more Monetization Punch to you Website today! JTicketing 2.3.1 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  9. klerk

    Plugin Ideal Store Locator

    Ideal Store Locator Ideal Store Locator (Finder) is integrated with Google Maps, so it that allows customers to locate your stores / contacts easily. Packed with Geo Location and Google Maps Direction your customers will never be lost again getting to your locations. The store finder will be...
  10. klerk

    Plugin SecurImages Captcha Plugin

    SecurImages Captcha Plugin SecurImages Captcha Plugin — плагин защитной капчи для вашего сайта, генерирующий сложные изображения и коды (в том числе математические задачи). Расширение работает с любым приложением Joomla, основанным на плагиновой системе, и защищает различные формы...
  11. klerk

    Component inGallery - Instagram galleries for Joomla

    inGallery - Instagram galleries for Joomla inGallery allows you to display any Instagram media on you website in a highly customizable galleries. User friendly, flexible, customizable – it’s an essential plugin to show your website visitors your life stream, portfolio, travel pictures or...
  12. klerk

    Component Redirect on Login Pro

    Redirect on Login Pro Redirect users on login per accesslevel / usersgroup / user / all users. Frontend and backend redirection. At login and logout. Компонент и плагин для Joomla, позволяющий делать перенаправление пользователей при входе\выходе в свою учетную запись. Имеется возможность...
  13. klerk

    Plugin Dependent Custom Fields For All

    Dependent Custom Fields For All Зависимые настраиваемые поля, которые загружаются последовательно, исходя из выбора пользователя (новое расширение, пока на стадии бета теста). Демо - Dependent Custom Fields For All...
  14. klerk

    Plugin SEF Wizard for Joomla

    SEF Wizard for Joomla SEF Wizard is an extension intended to improve native Joomla! SEF. It has simple logic and high performance. The package contains a system plugin – “Engine”, and a backend component – “Controls”. SEF Wizard allows you to remove IDs from the URL of standard Joomla...
  15. klerk

    Component vChart - Chart Builder for Joomla

    vChart - Chart Builder for Joomla vChart offers you the possibilities to convert your data from Local / Remote Database tables, CSV files / Feeds, Inputted manually into Powerful charts or tables. INFO DEMO JED vChart 2.9.21*** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the...
  16. klerk

    Component ParaInvite - компонент инвайтов

    ParaInvite Описание: Компонент на JED Карточка расширения ParaInvite 5.2.3 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  17. klerk

    Component TLP Team Pro

    TLP Team Pro TLP Team PRO is a fully Responsive Joomla 3.x.x extensions that display your team members. It is full configurable from admin end. I has module included with carousel features and different settings control you can show it any position. It has the following fields name...
  18. klerk

    Plugin YouTubeR

    YouTubeR YouTubeR – unique Joomla extension, that allows you to upload videos on YouTube from your website and to easily embed YouTube videos, playlists, channels to your website. With this plugin you can create video outstanding video galleries on your website INFO DEMO JED YouTubeR 1.45...
  19. klerk

    Module Jshopping Cart and Wishlist Ajax

    Jshopping Cart and Wishlist Ajax Adding goods to the shopping cart occurs without reloading the page. Together with the plug-in the output of attributes in the list of goods can work with the attributes in the list of goods. Possibility of double use of the module (as a basket module and as...
  20. klerk

    Plugin Sberbank - эквайринг для сбербанка (Virtumart)

    Эквaйpинг Cбepбaнкa для Virtuemart Плaтeжный плaгин для Virtuemart 2 и Virtuemart З, кoтopый пoзвoлит вaм пpинимaть oплaту c кapт чepeз интepнeт эквaйpинг Cбepбaнкa. B cпocoбax oплaты дoбaвитьcя нoвый cпocoб "Oплaтa Cбepбaнкoм" Demo...