
  1. Lowrens

    SCRIPT phpMeteo - Weather Forecast Platform

    phpMeteo - Weather Forecast Platform phpMeteo is a weather forecast platform, allowing users to get detailed weather forecast information. It comes with built-in geolocation, weather evolution graph, multi-language support, light and dark interface and more. Demo...
  2. Lowrens

    Plugin Astero WordPress Weather Plugin

    Astero WordPress Weather Plugin v1.3.1 Astero utilizes Ajax technology and local caching for fast loading of weather forecasts that supports a fixed location or user geolocation. Optional search function lets users look up the weather with a city name or zip code, and choose their preferred...
  3. klerk

    RELEASE Mobile Weather for Smartphones and Tablets

    Mobile Weather v1 for Smartphones and Tablets This is the script of a new generation designed specifically for smartphones and tablets easily accessible and easy to use displays the time wherever you are when you are. You just need to click on the names below to customize menu and enter the...