
  1. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Customers Manager

    WooCommerce Customers Manager WCCM expands your WooCommerce installation adding additional functionalities under “Customer” menu voice that lets you easily retrieve all customers personal data, orders, registration date, last orders date, etc… Demo...
  2. Lowrens

    Template Majesty – Restaurant WooCommerce WordPress Theme

    Majesty – Restaurant WooCommerce WordPress Theme Majesty beautifully imagine what you easily can do with Majesty WP Theme for your website MultiPurpose or One Page, Majesty eCommerce WP Theme specialist for Bakery, Restaurant and any other kind of food business and personal chef web sites...
  3. Lowrens

    Template Mall — Clean Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Responsive WordPress Theme

    Mall — Clean Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Responsive WordPress Theme Mall - WooCommerce шаблон на WordPress, для создания профессионального интернет магазина. Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/mall-multipurpose-ecommerce-responsive-wordpress-theme/16365441 Mall v1.1.3*** Hidden text: You do...
  4. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Serial Numbers - WordPress Plugin

    WooCommerce Serial Numbers - WordPress Plugin Easy Serial Numbers for WooCommerce allows you to easily manage serial numbers using WooCommerce. Serial Numbers can be assigned to simple products and to product variations on the product pages or on a quick edit page. These serial numbers can...
  5. Lowrens

    Plugin Google Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce

    Google Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce Google Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce simplifies the checkout process helping your customers to enter their address with the Google Places suggest API. You make them save time and prevent typing errors. Demo...
  6. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Simple Storewide Sale

    WooCommerce Simple Storewide Sale WooCommerce Simple Storewide Sale is a plugin and excellent marketing tool which allows you to have sitewide sales like for Black Friday, Christmas, clerance, store anniversary or some other special day. You can define discount in precentage or fixed value...
  7. klerk

    Template WizeStore - WooCommerce Multipurpose Responsive Theme

    WizeStore - WooCommerce Multipurpose Responsive Theme WizeStore - стильный и чистый дизайн шаблона для создания интернет магазина. Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/woocommerce-multipurpose-responsive-wordpress-theme-wizestore/19999516 WizeStore v1.3.3*** Hidden text: You do not have...
  8. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Deposits - Partial Payments Plugin

    WooCommerce Deposits - Partial Payments Plugin WooCommerce Deposits is a premium WordPress and WooCommerce plugin for handling partial payments. Customers pay a fixed price or percentage up front. You can also force a deposit. Дайте своим клиентам возможность разместить депозит или...
  9. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates

    WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates – плагин для создания партнёрского магазина Amazon который устанавливается на WordPress. С помощью данного плагина вы сможете скачивать товары прямо на свой сайт WooCommerce. Цены, категории, и различные другие атрибуты...
  10. Lowrens

    Plugin Woocommerce Visual Products Configurator

    Woocommerce Visual Products Configurator Woocommerce Visual Products Configurator - весьма интересный плагин для визуального конструирования товаров. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-visual-products-configurator/9058551 Woocommerce Visual Products Configurator v3.5*** Hidden...
  11. Lowrens

    Plugin Advanced WooCommerce Reporting

    Advanced WooCommerce Reporting WooCommerce Advance Reporting System plugin is a comprehensive and the most complete reporting system which shows you a complete report of Recent Orders, Sales Order Summary, Top Product views, Coupons, Order status, Stock, Shipping, Tax, Categories and … in a...
  12. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Refund And Exchange

    WooCommerce Refund And Exchange WooCommerce refund and exchange allow users to submit product refund request or exchange request. The whole process goes under a dedicated mailing system which would keep both parties on the same note and at any point of time store owner and the buyer can make...
  13. klerk

    Template Rango – Fashion Responsive WooCommerce Theme

    Rango – Fashion Responsive WooCommerce Theme Rango – отзывчивый WooCommerce шаблон для WordPress с 4 макетами для главной страницы, из которого получится хороший интернет магазин одежды. Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/rango-fashion-responsive-woocommerce-wordpress-theme/20693237 Rango...
  14. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Currency Switcher

    WooCommerce Currency Switcher WooCommerce Currency Switcher – is a WooCommerce plugin that allows you to switch to different currencies and get their rates converted in the real time – a must have plugin for your WooCommerce powered online store! Плагин Woocommerce Currency Switcher для...
  15. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce E-Commerce Bundle Rate Shipping

    WooCommerce E-Commerce Bundle Rate Shipping Никому не хочется переплачивать за доставку, и владельцы магазинов предпочли бы, чтобы их покупатели больше тратили денег на покупку товаров, чем на плохо организованную доставку. Demo...
  16. Lowrens

    Plugin WooCommerce Custom Order Status & Actions

    WooCommerce Custom Order Status & Actions WooCommerce Custom Order Status & Actions - не плохое расширение для вашего интернет магазина, чтобы управлять статусами заказов. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-order-status-actions-manager/6392174 WooCommerce Custom Order Status &...
  17. Lowrens

    Plugin Woocommerce Variations to Table - Grid

    Woocommerce Variations to Table - Grid Woocommerce Variations to Table - Grid - Плагин для Woocommerce - выводит варианты товаров таблицей. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-variations-to-table-grid/10494620 Woocommerce Variations to Table - Grid v1.3.7*** Hidden text: You do...
  18. Lowrens

    Plugin WordPress Store Locator

    WordPress Store Locator Did you know that nearly 45% of revenue stays in local stores? Use this as an advantage and add a store locator your product pages. With our WooCommerce Store Locator Plugin you can give your Customers the opportunity to buy your products in a local store! Show the...
  19. klerk

    Plugin WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts - управление ценами для Woocommerce

    WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts v2.2.1 - управление ценами для Woocommerce Плагин позволяет управлять правилами ценообразования продукта и корзины скидок. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-dynamic-pricing-discounts/7119279 WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts...
  20. Lowrens

    Plugin License Manager for Woocommerce

    License Manager for Woocommerce Если вы продаете товар, который требует лицензии, то данный плагин отлично подойдет для вашего сайта. License Manager for Woocommerce – расширение для вашего интернет-магазина на WooCommerce, которое добавляет функционал управления лицензионными паролями на...