RELEASE EasyLogin Pro - User Membership System


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VIP Simple
Nov 27, 2015
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EasyLogin Pro – User Membership System


  • Full Authentication – The script provides the complete functionality for authentication: Log in, Sign up, Email Activation and Password Recover.

  • User Settings – The users have access to a settings page where they can change the email address, username, password, profile information and upload avatars.

  • Social Authentication – The script includes a whopping of 10 different social authentication methods: Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Instagram, VK, Yammer, Foursquare and Soundcloud.

  • Private Messages – The user can add users as contacts and send messages. With a decent server you can even enable realtime messages.

  • Comment System – Full comment system integrated.

  • Modals or Inline – Choose between dialog prompts or standard inline forms.

  • 6 Color Schemes – The script comes with 6 color schemes Dark, Light, Blue, Coffee, Ectoplasm and Midnight.

  • Responsive Design – Using the Bootstrap front-end framework, EasyLogin Pro is completely optimized for mobile devices.

  • Advance User Fields – Add your own custom fields with validation and display them in the sign up form, user settings or admin page.

  • Advance Mailer – Use a SMTP configuration, navite PHP mail or the popular Mailgun and Mandrill mail services.

  • Multi Language – Add as many translations you want. The script will automatically detect your language.

  • Admin Contrl Panel – Manage users, roles, custom fields, script settings, send emails and private messages.

  • User Roles & Permissions – Create multiple roles with permissions and assign them to the users.

  • AJAX Driven System – All of the form are submitted with AJAX to minimize page refreshes and for a better user experience.

  • Security – The script uses Bcrypt for password hashing, encrypted cookies, XSS and CSRF attack preventions.

  • Quick Start + In Depth Documentation – Install and configure the script in matter of minutes or read the in depth documentation to learn more about the script.

  • Powerful API – Create your own design then just simply call intuitive classes and methods for log in, sign up, etc.
Server Requirements
EasyLogin Pro will work with versions of PHP as low as 5.3.3, however some features will not be available.

If you have PHP < 5.3.7 you'll have to disable BCrypt and use MD5 for password hashing.

The minimum recomended version of PHP is 5.3.7 or 5.4 if you want to enable Mailgun and Mandrill.

Beside that you will also need to have some common PHP extensions:
  • MCrypt
  • OpenSSL
  • GD
  • Exif (optional)
  • Multibyte String (optional)
  • Internationalization (optional)
To make sure you have everything installed run extra/php_check.php in your browser to see the results.

Install EasyLogin Pro
To install EasyLogin Pro simply follow the video tutorial or read the instructions below.

1. Extract files
Extract the files from the archive you have downloaded from CodeCanyon.

2. Copy files
Copy the files from the code directory to your server.
By default the script is set to the main example, but you can install the other examples too.

*Make sure the uploads directory has 0777 permission.

3. Create a database & import the SQL file
Go to phpMyAdmin or your hosting equivalent panel, create a new database (and user) and import database.sql found in the code directory or in the one you copied earlier.

*If you are using PHP<5.3.7 you should import database-php-5.3.3.sql from the extra directory and enable Basic Hasher.

4. Configuration
First edit app/config/database.php and set the database connection details.

Then edit app/config/app/php and set url to the url where the script is located. For example if you have copied the script files into a directory called "elp" and your website is " " then the url should be set to " ".
Set the key to a random 32 character string. Click here to generate a random key.

Make sure to set the permissions to 775 (recursively) for app/storage.

Now you can open the script in your browser. To log in use the username admin and password admin.
*Make sure you change the password after you log in the first time.

Next you should continue with the Configuration and Social Authentication sections.
VIDEO of installation:

EasyLogin Pro v1.2.10 - User Membership System

EasyLogin Pro – User Membership System Features: Full Authentication User Settings Social Authentication Private Messages Comment System Modals or Inline 6 Color Schemes Responsive Design ...

