Component OSE Anti-Virus | OSE Security Suite


Team member
VIP Hard
Feb 19, 2016
Reaction score
OSE Anti-Virus
OSE Security Suite


OSE Anti-Virus for Joomla has now been upgraded to Centrora Virus Scanner and integrated into the Centrora Security Component. It is an Ajax powered Anti-Virus Joomla component that helps you to scan malicious codes in the files on your server.

OSE Security Suite is designed to reduce the risks that your joomla website faces.
It manages to safeguards your website against various hacking attacks, malicious attacks in a better way.
This extension is compatible to work with Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5 and 3.0 with great performance.
This is a standalone extension, not to install in Joomla. You should install it in a directory.


OSE Anti-Virus - антивирус для сайта на Joomla. Компонент OSE Anti-Virus помогает сканировать все файлы сайта и выявлять вредоносные коды в файлах на сервере.
OSE Anti-Virus работает на AJAX-технологии.

OSE Anti-Virus - действительно мощный и функциональный компонент сканирования сайта для Joomla. В процессе сканирования вашего сайта компонент OSE Anti-Virus проверяет и анализирует все файлы вашего сайта на предмет вредоносного кода, шеллдоров, iframe-иньекций в php, html, javascript-файлах, в текстовых файлах. Антивирус OSE Anti-Virus сканирует не только файлы сайта на Joomla но и любые файлы других установленных CMS и простые каталоги с произвольными файлами.


OSE Security Suite 5.0 (full site)
OSE Security Suite 6.0.2 (full site)
OSE Security Suite is designed to reduce the risks that your joomla website faces.
It manages to safeguards your website against various hacking attacks, malicious attacks in a better way.
This extension is compatible to work with Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5 and 3.0 with great performance.
This is a standalone extension, not to install in Joomla. You should install it in a directory.

OSE Security Suite 6.0.2 contains:
  • OSE Anti-Hacker 6.1.14
  • OSE Anti-Virus 6.0.3
  • OSE File Manager 4.2.1
  • OSE CPU 4.1.0