Plugin [XF 2] Brivium - Credits Premium


Staff member
VIP Hard
Nov 25, 2015
Reaction score
[XF 2] Brivium - Credits Premium



Granting users and classifying them are two big missions of an administrator. And if your website is like a shrinking society, as an admin, you would probably grant credit for the users who influence others, who are very active and have contributed a huge amount of content or played a major role in your community, this add-on is for you.

Credits Premium is an advanced point system using virtual points. The add-on actually allows to create and manage all points of users through the upcoming event in the community. The administrator has the right to decide how many points the users could get from their events, to earn or trade points in events also. This add-on also provides the right tools to manage and also, to store all logs of all transactions, reports, statistics of the number of Credits of members due to date, week or month.

The access of credit management is unlimited, which gives huge motivation for users to be active more in your website and encourage them to contribute to the community. With the rising of Blockchain and the Revolution Industry 4.0, this add-on is needed, especially when your website provides solution related to BlockChain technology or Bitcoin currency. One of the biggest advantages of the add-on is that it could integrate with those currencies and still ensure the safety of users. Besides, with a multiple of functions, this add-on promises to be a must-have add-on to your XenFofo’s site-shelf.


[XF 2] Brivium - Credits Premium 1.0.0