SCRIPT Active Collab (corporate) - управление проектами

PHAR обновления для коллаба (5.5.2-5.14.64)
PHAR updates for Collab (5.5.2-5.14.64)

ActiveCollab 5.6.16
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Active Collab 5.14.64 updates in zip (phar to zip repack)
ActiveCollab 5.6.16 (2016.03.17) zip
maybe it's update.
printscreen of archive from this post:

ActiveCollab 5.13.133 (installer)
printscreen of archive from first post:
only updates (.zip)
to ActiveCollab 6.0.7

it's okay for update from 5.13.133 to 6.0.7
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Can any one please share the 6.0 version. I can't see the links. (I am newbie)
Уважаемый Klerk!
К сожалению ссылка на 5-5-133 протухла в шапке
Там есть зеркало "M:"